How Nestcon Encourages Afforestation

As most of us are aware, Nestcon, in its mission statement unambiguously states that its name was derived from a birds nest. It is because birds skillfully construct homes without adversely affecting nature. They also unquestionably promote ecological well-being. Our company too, like the birds, is committed to protecting the environment and encouraging sustainable living.  Wherever there is barren land, trees are planted to create an environment resembling a forest, it is called afforestation. A very important aspect of our lives, it strives to tackle the growing carbon levels on the earth’s atmosphere that has been caused by greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), which are the result of growing pollution levels.

Factories, vehicles powered by diesel and petrol, and increasing deforestation caused by builders and developers of concrete buildings, among others, are the chief contributors of these GHGs, which lead to unfavourable climate changes, ecological imbalance, polluted air, soil erosion, leading to ill-health among humanity, both in advanced and developing countries, etc. These are among some of the fallouts of increasing pollution levels.

If you look at Nestcon Chintala Residency, you will see how we have tried to preserve the mango tree, along with the coconut tree, that is abutting one block. We have not considered it as a hindrance or an eyesore to our structure, as we are committed to saving mother earth’s future in the way it was illustrated above. We have gone a step ahead by planting saplings as well. We are doing whatever we can to be a part of this noble global mission.     

There is a misconception floating around that afforestation is a tough task and requires investment. Nothing is further than the truth. It is, in fact, cheap and can be carried out with ease. If each one of us on this planet does his/her best by initiating their bit, we can revive our planet and take it back a couple of hundred years behind.

Meanwhile, many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and government bodies, taking cognizance of this fact, are disseminating information among the citizens of the world to promote this highly noble initiative of afforestation. When it happens, it will make the whole world greener and, in turn, more congenial to humans. 

Planting trees in the land that was not previously productive ensure that the supply of essential products will continue. Relying on natural forests is risk ridden. It is also not predictive due to governmental and environmental policies.

There are many other advantages that afforestation brings with it. When there are plenty of trees in the future, they provide animals with fodder, fruits and vegetables to humans, create arable lands that lead to increased farming jobs, besides also making sure that there are sustainable resources for us in the future.

There are other things to be considered. For instance, afforestation prevents flooding of human habitations. Forests act as obstacles for winds by reducing their speed, thereby diluting their impact.  

Afforestation is also effective in transforming barren land into fertile one. It is also a fact that forests attract rains more frequently as opposed to barren lands. Also well-known is another fact that areas lying amidst lush green lands are cooler and healthier than wastelands. 

What’s more, afforestation can upend global warming and the resulting climate change it causes. Most importantly, it helps reduce carbon dioxide, which is chiefly responsible for upsetting the biodiversity on our planet.

The upshot is that afforestation not only promotes healthy living but also prosperity on earth by creating more jobs and sustainable living.

Because Nestcon is aware of how afforestation is necessary for the well-being of the flora and fauna of the world we are living in, it has and will be steadfastly committed to such initiatives. We also implead others to follow by taking a lead to promote such initiatives.   

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